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Brenton Brown’s songs press buttons that excite people, making them hugely popular in churches. ‘Adoration’, ‘Because of your Love’ and the Vineyard classic ‘Holy’ from this relaunched CD are already well used.
However, these standard cut-and-paste praise lyrics offer virtually nothing that’s previously unheard. This is strange, because Brown has struggled with pain – living with chronic fatigue syndrome, and then losing a daughter in the womb at nine months – yet although the title track came from handing tragedy to God, the song gives little hint of the back story.
Adoration does have fine moments. ‘Amazing God’ and a Ryan Delmore-esque new version of ‘All Who Are Thirsty’ bring life’s complexities and God together.
But on the embarrassing ‘Gloria’, Brown admits, ‘You deserve more than the songs we sing.’ More than these songs, I’d say.
HIGH: Includes plenty of engaging anthems.
LOW: Brown seems unable to offer real depth.