All articles by Heather Tomlinson – Page 7
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Keswick Convention: People of the Trinity
Eph 4:1-16Based on a talk by Richard Condie, vicar of St Jude's Anglican church in Melbourne, Australia, at the Keswick Convention 2013Ephesians 4 is a marvellous passage of Scripture. It emphasises the unity of the church. However, the church is currently riven with division – in denominations for example. I'm ...
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Keswick Convention: Walking In The Spirit
Heather Tomlinson writes based on a talk by Alasdair Paine, vicar of St Andrew the Great in Cambridge, at the Keswick Convention 2013omans 8:1-17This passage in Romans is packed with references to the Spirit. It's there for a practical purpose. Paul has written this letter because he wants the readers ...
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Keswick Convention 2013: Following the Son
"Following the Son" - Heather Tomlinson writes based on a talk by Peter Baker, minister of Lansdowne Baptist church in Bournemouth, at Keswick Convention 2013From Eph 2:1-10Ephesians 2 has to be among the most well-trodden paths of the New Testament. When you read it, you know you've been here before many ...
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Sharing The Gospel
While in Manchester I visited a training day from the evangelistic ministry, Ravi Zacharias Ministries. Called 'tackling the hardest questions', it sought answers to three tough areas: suffering, philosophy and how to handle people who don't want to listen. It featured author Os Guinness and Vince Vitale from the Oxford ...
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Manchester’s Finest
I'm from Yorkshire and so naturally, I don't like Manchester. It's ingrained in my being. The equivalent of 'love the sinner hate the sin' for Yorkshire folk is something like 'love the Mancunian but hate the city they come from and particularly their football clubs'. But even a White Rose ...
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One Jesus For Liberals, Another For Conservatives
How sad, but true. I'm borrowing the headline from a Guardian article on the subject. The article's intro and text clearly shows which version of the gospel that newspaper prefers (the leftie/liberal version) but it helps me to understand why I am deeply suspicious of any form of Christianity that ...
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What Christians Can Learn From Richard Dawkins
It's difficult not to feel gleeful at militant athiest Richard Dawkins' gaffe in which he completely destroyed his own argument, made himself look foolish and called on the help of his maker (God) - all at the same time. It's a dangerous thing to be so sure you're right that ...