By Krispin Mayfield2023-01-04T10:48:00
What happens in your early years can have profound consequences on the way you connect with God, says Christian therapist Krispin Mayfield. But regardless of whether your childhood was happy or horrendous, we can all experience more of the love of a good Father
2024-10-21T13:10:00Z By Tony Wilson
The tragic death of One Direction’s teen pop sensation reminds us that fame and fortune cannot meet our deepest human needs, says Tony Wilson. That can only come from being fully known by Jesus
2023-07-21T10:26:00Z By Tony Wilson
The tragic stories of Peter Farquhar and Ann Moore-Martin have their roots in the loneliness that can often come from living alone. It is both a warning and a challenge to the Christian community, says Tony Wilson
2023-05-15T08:57:00Z By Sharon Hastings
As Mental Health Awareness Week begins, Sharon Hastings shares her top tips on how to combat anxiety
2025-02-28T15:59:00Z By Peter Ladd
The default of monogamy is being challenged in our media and wider culture. But the apparent “freedom” offered by open relationships is false and will only lead to heartbreak, says Peter Ladd. The biblical vision for marriage still stands the test of time
2025-02-28T12:42:00Z By Peter
Peter’s daughter, Becky, died by suicide. Here, he shares the moving story of how he and his family are navigating her loss with the help of their faith
2025-02-27T18:09:00Z By Tony Wilson
Reports of God at work among Gen Z are flooding in from around the globe. Tony Wilson heads to Toulouse, to investigate a remarkable renewal among the town’s student population
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