From Bath to Glasgow, Christian singers are taking worship music to the streets, and seeing God work miracles. Here are some of their stories
Zac Carpenter
Instagram: zaccarpentermusic
Zac has been busking in London for seven years – something he believes God has called him to do
I was raised by a Christian family, but I recommitted my life to Jesus when I was 16; the more I got to know Jesus, the more I wanted to sing songs that talked about him instead of other stuff.
I go out once a week for two hours, most recently at London Bridge train station.
It’s the most encouraging thing when someone comes over and doesn’t just watch, but actually starts worshipping. When a crowd gathers, it’s wonderful to step back from the microphone and hear people singing their hearts out.
I’ve got a folder of testimonies, otherwise I can forget what God’s done. One lady said: “I’m so glad I heard you sing today. I’ve struggled so much since I lost my brother three years ago. I felt distant from God; I felt lost. I haven’t been to church since and today, when I heard you sing, I honestly felt God’s presence. Thank you so much.”
Another lady said: “That day you were singing at Waterloo station marked exactly one month since I had been suffering from debilitating headaches. That day, it all got a little too much. I went to the GP and picked up a prescription for medication. Every pharmacy I went into didn’t have the pills – they all said the only one that had them was the Boots inside Waterloo station. So I was walking there in a panic, while at the same time asking God: ‘Why am I still suffering with this?’ Your singing intercepted my prayer. I was stopped in my tracks and felt the grace and peace of God. I could feel the outpouring of his love, my headache became bearable again and I didn’t end up going to Boots. Praise God and I thank him for your boldness and using you to be the calm in the midst of my storm.”
Singing the name of Jesus in public has challenged me to be bolder. There are certain people that just won’t set foot in a church, so we need to be church where [they] are.
There were times when I’ve been out busking in the freezing cold, with no one around. It was miserable. But faithfulness is so underrated in this culture. It’s a beautiful thing when followers of Jesus are faithful to what God’s called them to. Whether people see it or not, God sees it.
I am licensed with the train stations but I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to do that, because I’m doing faith-based music. I’m currently in discussion with them about how we can find a way forward so that I’m in line with their many policies. But there are places around London where you don’t need any sort of licence to busk, so this might be God’s invitation to go out and spread this message further.
Storm Cecile
Storm is a spoken word poet who felt stirred by God to gather worshippers, evangelists and other creative artists to hit the streets of London every week
God gave me a vision about the Christian Busking Project in 2020 but I wasn’t really interested. Then the pandemic happened. The Lord brought the vision back to me, and this time I said: “OK, Lord, let’s go.” I began telling everyone about the vision I’d had of worship on every street corner. I thought: We have all sorts of parades. Why don’t we have parades celebrating the Lord?
We started with about ten people. We went to different places and people were incredibly encouraged and touched. What I thought was for a season turned into something that we are still doing today.
We have musicians, poets, singers and other creators. We start with worship, then an evangelist may preach and then perhaps a spoken word before going back to worship. We always have people in pairs ready to have a conversation. We do 96 outreaches a year. We’ve had some really great moments, and also some really challenging ones.
About eight months in, we were busking in Marble Arch. There was a protest happening about not wearing masks. Many of the protesters stopped and started worshipping with us. We had people getting off buses and sobbing. We actually had a girl who was suicidal who heard the music and sat next to us. She told us her story, so we were able to pray with her and encourage her.
A couple of hours later, a group of Muslims came past and said: “We want to protest here now so you have to move.” [It was] very weird, quite domineering. So I said: “OK, do you have a permit?” They said: “Oh yeah, we have a permit.” I indicated that if they let me see it I would be happy to move my team along. They ended up spitting on the singer, grabbing the musician’s guitar, shouting at us. About a year ago in Wood Green someone in a balaclava tried to stab us. We’ve had times when people have tried to cast spells around us too.
There was a guy who was an ex-Catholic, but he really didn’t understand salvation. He left the Church because he thought his sin was too much. When we began teaching about Jesus he began to weep. He became a Christian and joined a local church. We’ve had conversations with Muslims who’ve had dreams of Jesus, and others that are going through difficulties and may not go to church, but stay in touch with us. I think we do a lot of seed planting.
Corey Layzell
Facebook: Coreylayzell
When Corey Layzell was miraculously saved from a life-threatening gang fight his hatred turned to love. The experience fuels his busking today
I used to live a criminal lifestyle, eager to make money by whatever means necessary. I was full of hatred and felt my life was unfair. When I was 18, after being involved in a gang-related fight, I was coming home from a friend’s house around midnight with two friends. Over 40 members of a rival gang, armed with weapons, sprung an attack from an alleyway. All of a sudden, a single police car sped onto the scene, forcing them out of the way.
The gang members froze – they knew they were too great in number for arrests, so nobody ran. Two police officers singled me and my two friends out, saying: “You three – get in the car.” I thought we were being arrested but they were saving our lives. To my surprise, they drove us home and didn’t even ask our names. We were guilty of gang-related activity that night – their lift home made no sense.
Days later, I received a phone call from my nan, who is a Christian. She asked: “Where were you on Thursday around midnight? God told me I needed to pray for you.” It hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt that God was looking after me; I wept at the thought and began to seek him.
I have now been completely sold out for Christ for over twelve years. I have a deep love for all people. This is what motivates my street worship. He changed my life from a destiny of the grave or the jail cell into a promise of peace, joy and paradise. I am desperate for everybody to come to know his love.
Worshipping in public matters; firstly, to display that there are people who love Jesus so much that they want to sing about it all day in public. Secondly, it teaches that we must never be ashamed of our king. Thirdly, because of spiritual warfare: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12, NKJV).
I believe worship has a powerful spiritual effect. I have seen unbelievers fall onto their knees. I have seen demonic manifestations throw people out of wheelchairs, screaming and rolling around in front of me. I have been chanted at by witches, but thankfully it is written: “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
I have, at times, gone out with preachers and evangelists and, while I worship, they offer prayer. This has proved incredibly fruitful and many people have been led to Christ. Some have been healed, gone home and come back with family members wanting more prayer. We have cast out many demons, given many prophecies and seen them come to pass. We believe we are called to be just as it is in the book of Acts, and so try our very best to be.
DJ Ashyz
Instagram: ashyz_audio_india
Ashish Ingale, originally from India, plays worship music regularly on the streets of Paisley and Glasgow, Scotland
My journey with busking began in India, where I felt led to play my guitar in a park. In India we are not allowed to sing Christian music publicly and there is always persecution. So I used to perform love songs and then use a worship song to share my testimony, but there was always a fear that someone would call the police.
I moved to Scotland in 2022 to do a School of Worship [through YWAM], where we did busking. This experience grew my desire to share the love of Christ on the street and start busking myself.
Most people enjoy the music, stopping to listen and sometimes closing their eyes. Some ask me about it, and I tell them it’s Christian music. We have a conversation or I offer prayer. Some say they can sense the street is lighting up.
One time, an atheist came down from his fifth floor flat to ask what kind of music I was playing and whether it was Christian. He said he sees thousands of people busking, but has never heard the kind of music that brings peace to his heart.
I met a girl who was looking for a way to finish her life, as she had lost her fiancé, and she was blaming God for taking him away. When she heard the worship, she wanted to come back to the Lord and reconcile with him.
I worship on the streets because I believe we are created to worship God. There are people out there who need spiritual help, and worshipping in public gives them the opportunity to hear the good news. It also gives me an opportunity to pray for people as they walk by. Worshipping in public is declaring who God is and not being ashamed of his name. People need to hear worship songs because, when Christ comes, we’re all going to worship God.
Hearing from God at London Bridge
One evening, I was sat wondering where God was and whether the critics were right that, in fact, there is no God. The next day I had to renew my passport in central London, so hopped on the train. Not long into my journey to London Bridge, I had this overwhelming feeling that I had to pray, but shrugged it off. Again it hit me: “You need to pray.” Eventually, I called on God in prayer and heard the following: “Be alert. I am going to show you something important today.”
I went to the passport office and then made my way back to London Bridge. I was early for my train, so decided to do some window shopping. While walking about I heard singing echoing through the station; no matter what direction I moved in, it followed me. I cannot put into words how beautiful it sounded, so I decided to track down the source. Before long, there he was – a chap with a guitar, average height with blond hair and a beard. He had his eyes closed as he played. I knew the songs from church. I noticed a small crowd was growing by the minute. People around me were laughing, singing and crying and I realised the Holy Spirit was right there. In the next half hour or so, I saw people join the crowd – sometimes cautiously but then raising their arms up. The guy manning the barrier soon joined in, calling out to God; a lady with a pram was sobbing her heart out – I felt she was letting so much pain go. Complete strangers from all walks of life joined and worshipped…it was just amazing and something I have never experienced outside church.
When it was time to catch my train, I was so emotional; I could feel the Holy Spirit like never before. While waiting to board the train I felt that sudden urge to pray again, so I looked up and said: “I’m here, God.” Then I heard, over and over again: “That’s who I am.” I prayed the whole way back, just thanking God for what had happened. Somehow, he had heard me the night before and had shown me who he is. It was an experience I will never forget.
Neville van Sittert
Charlotte May
Facebook: unashamedlybrave
Charlotte sings at private events but also loves to sing about Jesus on the streets of Bath
I started busking regularly about five years ago. I love singing and the more I have done busking, the more I’ve fallen in love with it.
I have a real heart for Bath and feel very connected to the city and its people while performing. I believe that wherever I stand becomes holy ground because of the Holy Spirit living in me. I want to bring God’s presence, his goodness, joy and peace to the streets.
I started to include worship songs in my set list and was really amazed at the response. So many people stop to listen. I’ve never had any negative reactions, which is amazing. Everyone is always so encouraging. I don’t exclusively sing worship songs, but I always [choose] songs that are uplifting and life-giving.
One girl wanted to take her life, but when she heard the worship she came back to the Lord
Music that is glorifying to God, that speaks of him and is Holy Spirit-inspired, has the power to change places. It shifts the atmosphere and is spiritually so powerful. On a practical level, people who aren’t Christians are much more likely to listen to a song about God than pick up a Bible and read it.
I was able to pray with a lady who had just found out she had cancer. She was very moved and, afterwards, she felt she had a lot more courage and peace. I have also received messages from people via social media saying they felt peace and joy while watching me sing, which I know is the presence of God working through the music.
The above buskers were speaking to Claire Musters, an author, editor, speaker, church leader and host of the Woman Alive book club.

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