The default of monogamy is being challenged in our media and wider culture. But the apparent “freedom” offered by open relationships is false and will only lead to heartbreak, says Peter Ladd. The biblical vision for marriage still stands the test of time
Peter’s daughter, Becky, died by suicide. Here, he shares the moving story of how he and his family are navigating her loss with the help of their faith
Reports of God at work among Gen Z are flooding in from around the globe. Tony Wilson heads to Toulouse, to investigate a remarkable renewal among the town’s student population
When Tara Jamali returned to Iran after an absence of 20 years, she was shocked to discover the church she attended as a student boarded up. Pressure on Iranian Christians is growing she says, but glimmers of hope are present in the darkness
Hurt people hurt people, as the saying goes. Rev Karen Hunter Kriwald looks at how narcissism and trauma may be effecting Christian leaders
As many UK church denominations are faced with continued decline leading to extinction, is it time to learn from Lego’s ‘back to basics’ approach? Martin Saunders investigates
The decision to portray of Matthew as being on the spectrum has been warmly welcomed by audiences. Sharon Longo uncovers the thought process behind the creative decision and the impact it’s now having
We talk money and business with Christian entrepreneurs Shell Perris and Gary Spicer
The world is experiencing a friendship recession. Sheridan Voysey explains how both culture and Church came to neglect friendship and how you can reclaim this forgotten love
If someone of the opposite sex asked you to pray with them during a church service, would you do it? Dani Treweek looks at why single Christian women are caricatured as threats to “good Christian marriages” while Christian men are stereotyped as incapable of relating to any woman without seeing her as a potential “stumbling block”
Theologians from the UK’s top Bible colleges talk to Sam Hailes about migration, revival, formation and keeping it weird
Lies, deception and backstabbing… But don’t worry, the hit BBC series is just a game. Or is it?
With each swipe of a screen producing another distraction, Chris Witherall explores the concept of Popcorn Brain. Is the fast-pace of modern life inhibiting our ability to deepen our faith and cultivate a more meaningful relationship with God?
Amid Mark Zuckerberg’s reforms to free speech on the internet, Chris Witherall explores what the Church’s own strategy to transform the digital landscape should look like.
Being efficient is generally seen as positive, so surely Christians should aim to be so? After interviewing dozens of people about their workplace experiences, Nick Megoran disagrees
More people of all faiths and none are choosing to pull on their boots and take to the ancient paths of pilgrimage. Emma Fowle heads to Spain to find out what it’s all about
What would you do if you knew Jesus was coming back? That was the question that prompted Jennie Allen to start planning what’s set to become the biggest ever global meeting of Christians. She shares her vision for Gather25
Martin Saunders considers the spiritual messages contained in Wicked: Part One
When her mother died suddenly, Mandy Gill was not as comforted by her Christian faith as she might have expected. Her fellow believers didn’t always respond well either. Here are the lessons she’s learned from a slow and painful journey with grief
When Matt Roper stumbled across an 11 year-old girl selling her body for sex on a Brazilian motorway, it changed his life forever. He tells the shocking story of the road where child exploitation is considered ‘normal’ and his journey to change hearts and minds
When a homeless man arrived on his doorstep one Christmas, Rob Parsons never dreamed that he would stay for more than 45 years. Or that Ronnie would impact their life so significantly
Phil Knox presents a dozen ideas on how to share your faith over the festive season
One of the world’s leading non-fiction writers doesn’t write much about his own Christian faith. And yet when you apply Malcolm Gladwell’s Revenge of the Tipping Point to the Church’s evangelism the implications are exciting, says Martin Saunders
She was a devout Christian, a passionate feminist and the most distinguished woman of the 19th Century. So why did Josephine Butler vanish from the pages of history?
The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has a vision to plant a church within five minutes’ walking or driving distance of every home worldwide. As part of Black History Month, George Luke looks at the church’s Nigerian origins, and reports on how it is experiencing significant growth in the UK
With Black Friday around the corner, you might be thinking about your Christmas shopping. Here’s the Premier Christianity guide to gifts that are good for people and the planet
RT Kendall makes the case for embracing both holy scripture and Holy Spirit
When Ashleigh Hull was a teenager, biblical teaching on marriage and sexuality seemed far from good to her. Here’s how she changed her mind
You may have heard that Christianity is spreading like wildfire across the Middle East. But did you know that leaders in the persecuted Church are now training Western church leaders in evangelism? Phil Moore calls it a quiet revolution
Millions of young people are diving headfirst into exploring witchcraft, and their main portal is the social media app TikTok. Martin Saunders looks at what’s going on, and suggests how Christians can address this dangerous trend
The first journalists were deeply influenced by their Christian commitments. But the connection between faith and media stretches back even further than that, all the way to Mount Sinai, argues Dr Jenny Taylor
Could you forgive the man who nearly killed your father? That’s the journey Lani Charlwood has been on. As this weekend marks 40 years since the Brighton bombing, she explains how forgiveness and reconciliation are possible, even in the most painful of circumstances
Short-term mission has come under heavy criticism in recent years, with concerns ranging from white saviourism to doubts over motivations and priorities. But Heather Tomlinson discovers another side to the story
A lot of what you’ve been told about Celtic Christianity is plain wrong, argues Nick Page. He sets the record straight
With a surge in interest in spiritual formation, ancient paths and prayer rituals, Celtic Christianity is enjoying a moment. Richard Roberts shares the fascinating tale of the first missionaries to these shores
If you’re struggling to share the good news with a friend or family member, here are some tips from the Agapé UK team
The fans who thought they’d never see Oasis rise from the dead are desperate to see the band recapture their earlier form. That’s if they get that far. The story of two warring brothers is as old as the scriptures, says Martin Saunders
My finest hour won’t be my greatest sermon or book, says RT Kendall. Drawing inspiration from the life of David, the Bible teacher explains what his finest hour will look like, and reveals how you can have one too
For journalist Kelly Valencia, accompanying the Archbishop of Canterbury on his tour of Central America was more than just a job. It was a personal reminder of the trials faced by her own family – and how the Church helped them
Whether you’re a newlywed, empty-nester or busy building a business, God is with you in every stage of your life. Joe Warton explains how to make the most of right now
Christian attitudes towards contraception have changed radically during the past century. As young women start to question its use, is it time for the Church to do the same?
Senior US government officials won’t investigate UFOs, because they’re “demonic”. That’s according to a counterintelligence officer, whose new book is shedding light on the Pentagon’s “most closely guarded secret”. Dr Matthew Halsted assesses the evidence
Netflix, Amazon and other streaming giants have granted us access to entire libraries full of dramas and documentaries, but can any of us really keep up?
Joe Warton considers the place of ambition in the life of a Christian
Sport unites like little else, says Dr Dan Strange. Our readiness to compare stadiums to cathedrals and pitches to altars offers Christians a unique opportunity to share their faith
As access to junk food proliferates and rates of obesity continue to rise, does the Church need to stop being squeamish and start addressing health issues?
With most youth sport now taking place on a Sunday, Christian parents must grapple with whether to prioritise their children’s sports clubs, or church attendance. Jonny Reid gives his pointers on how to think through the issues biblically
The evidence is clear: mobile phones are turning us into an anxious generation. But they could also be hampering your discipleship
Writing during the Week of Visibility for Non-Monogamy, which aims to “normalise” relationships of three or more people, Andrew Bunt suggests three ways Christians can prepare to face new questions on sexual ethics
Is it really possible for churches to reach a consensus on big decisions? Yes, says Peter Wilkinson. Writing from personal experience, Peter explains how every Christian can help discern the will of God for their congregation
For many years, Wendy Pawsey ticked the box of ‘Christian giving’ through tithing. But seeing sacrificial generosity in action caused her to think again
Iain Dunbar looks at the tricky subject of decision-making in marriage. Here’s how couples can get better at hearing God’s voice together
Despite the dire statistics around church attendance in the UK, stories of God working miracles are proliferating, especially among young people. Emma Fowle is joined by four ministry leaders to discuss what’s going on
Megan Cornwell has spent the past twelve months investigating one of the most shocking scandals to hit the UK evangelical Church in recent years. Here she explains what her reporting for Premier Christianity’s critically acclaimed podcast series has uncovered
A lot of our food isn’t really food at all; it’s a mix of increasingly refined and manufactured substances designed to keep costs low and shelf-lives long. As a popular new book takes aim at the food industry, Martin Saunders considers how Christians should respond
Whether its hard drugs, soft porn or just internet shopping, millions of us are addicts. But turning off the tap that supplies us with addictive substances won’t solve the problem. Instead, we need to ask why so many are so thirsty in the first place, says Andy Partington
As the best-selling Christian album of the 1980s is remixed and re-released, Tony Cummings shares the inside story of how Adrian Snell worked with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to deliver a “symphonic rock classic”
It’s only a matter of time before all is revealed, says RT Kendall. Either in this life, or the next
The world’s biggest YouTuber has more than a quarter of a billion followers and is one of the most influential people on earth. Should Christians be thrilled that he’s putting radical generosity in the spotlight? It’s complicated…
Recent trends suggests Christians are leaving behind more traditional expressions of church. Could God be doing something new?
From Bath to Glasgow, Christian singers are taking worship music to the streets, and seeing God work miracles. Here are some of their stories
Christian leaders in the UK have spoken of making amends for Britain’s colonial past, yet many Africans say that when it comes to sexuality, the West is still imposing its beliefs on them today. Heather Tomlinson explores the widening international chasm on sexual ethics
Climate scientists are warning that rises in global temperatures will have catastrophic consequences for the planet. In a recent survey, 90 per cent of Premier Christianity readers agreed climate change should be a concern for the Church, but were divided over how pressing an issue it should be. So should we prioritise the environment or evangelism? Three Christians share their views
Making friends with people unlike you is the smart thing to do. Diverse relationships bring great advantage in life, business and church. But best of all, they bring God’s kingdom to earth, says Matt Bird
From miraculous healings to unexpected salvation, eight Christians share their testimonies of what God did one summer in a very muddy field…
Wisdom takes many forms, says Nick Page, including the words of scripture, the person of Jesus and our own ability to think for ourselves
Jesus came to bring both truth and love. Has the Church followed its master when it comes to the increasingly tense and complex subject of British Islam?
It might look like an irreverent comedy, but this film asks some big questions – and paints a picture of Jesus that’s beautifully beguiling, says Martin Saunders
Kate Orson speaks to the converts who are leaving the truther and new age movements behind
God’s name has been co-opted by many movements and in many ways over the years, but when Compassion promises to release children from poverty in the name of Jesus, Megan Cornwell says she no longer has to take it on good faith. She has seen it with her own eyes, and she believes
Dr Richard Scott “overstepped the boundaries” by praying with a patient, according to a tribunal. It isn’t the first time the Christian GP has faced censure, yet he is determined to continue sharing his faith at work. He explains why
Whether you’re a super fan or a sceptic, small groups are essential for your spiritual growth. Here’s how you can get the most out of them
The catastrophic impact of leaders falling from grace is damaging the Church. But this isn’t just about sex scandals. In order to understand the problem we need to go much deeper
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is struggling to attract audiences. But what does that have to do with Christianity? More than you might think, explains Martin Saunders
Church-based food banks, homeless shelters and warm hubs have all grown at an incredible rate in recent years. But are they really working to reduce poverty?
Debra Green OBE was planting churches, preaching and pioneering social action work when few female leaders were moving in those spaces. Ahead of Mother’s Day, she’s joined by son, Josh Green, who leads youth ministry for 24-7 Prayer, to discuss prodigal sons, working in ministry and what happened when the police arrived on their doorstep
Christianity is spreading at an astonishing pace in Nepal. Photojournalist Sindre Deschington gives us an exclusive glimpse inside the former Hindu kingdom
Sam Bankman-Fried was on course to become the world’s first trillionaire, before his virtual empire spectacularly collapsed in scandal. He’s due to be sentenced later this month, but Martin Saunders says there’s a surprising lesson the Church can learn from him
St Martin-in-the-Fields church has provided the backdrop to a new immersive sound and light experience which celebrates the natural world.
It’s one year since an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Kentucky caught the world’s attention. Many church leaders from around the world travelled to Asbury University and ‘natural sceptic’ Al Gordon was among them. He tells the story of what God did, how it changed his life and why he believes revival is not just possible, but imperative
Eight Christians pay tribute to the thinkers who have most influenced them
As a survey suggests a quarter of young people would ban the Bible if it contained hate speech, and Christians are wrongfully arrested while street preaching, Heather Tomlinson investigates: Is our freedom of speech being eroded?
Every minute in sub-Saharan Africa, enough plastic waste to cover a football pitch is openly dumped or burned.
Taylor Swift isn’t the light of the world. And she can’t fill our culture’s God-shaped hole. But the biggest pop star on the planet does identify as a Christian
The death penalty would not stand a chance in America, and perhaps the world, if it weren’t for Christians, writes Shane Claiborne
As the conflict in Israel-Gaza continues to escalate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine nears its third year, Abi Thomas speaks to five people who are striving to bring God’s peace in a divided and hurting world
We live in a world that encourages the pursuit of material possessions and living beyond our means, says Ken Okoroafor. In the aftermath of Christmas, financial pressures often reach breaking point. Here’s eight top tips for dealing with your debt and finding a Christian perspective on money matters
When we speak blessing over people, communities and places, we are agreeing with God for his kingdom to come there. It’s different from praying, and can often be the key to unlocking salvation, healing and the miraculous, says Roy Godwin
By concentrating on outward achievements, we miss out on the deep work that Jesus wants to do in us, says Joe Warton. Let’s make 2024 the year we focus on purpose, people and practices
Fullness of life can be yours in 2024. But it won’t be found via worldly measures of success, says Pete Portal
Here’s our pick of the best new courses for your small group or community outreach
There aren’t many Christian conferences where you can pour your own beer from the church-owned brewery, or meet the beekeeper in charge of the hive on the church roof. Billed as “two days of wonder”, Renaissance is designed to inspire Christians in the creative industries to encounter God in and ...
From uplifting stories of people coming to faith, to hard hitting investigations and challenging pieces on Church and culture, Premier Christianity published a wealth of articles in 2023. Our editor chooses his favourites
World-renowned Bible teachers, actors, pop stars, authors and journalists have all shared their stories with us in 2023. Here are our favourite interviews
Fed up of bad news? Be inspired by the difference God is making to people’s lives today, in these top 10 testimonies from Premier Christianity magazine
When Miranda Adderley was told that her unborn grandson was unlikely to survive outside the womb, she organised a countryside retreat for her family. Together, they processed their grief in the beauty of nature, and slowly learned to see the goodness of God again
Being a single parent in the Church can be a challenging experience, says Emily Beater, as she recalls her own journey towards Jesus
In this season of Advent, the Church doesn’t just look back to the birth of Jesus in a stable, but forward to Christ’s second coming, says Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff
Interest in tabletop games is booming. They’re no longer confined to the festive season, says Chris Sinkinson
As the Israel-Hamas conflict continues to rage, Jerusalem-based church leader Rev Aaron Eime invites you to join him in prayer for the protection of innocent Israelis and Palestinians, and that the Prince of Peace would have his way in the Holy Land this Christmas
A Church of England priest introduces her artistic re-imaginings of the first Christmas
It’s easy to miss the thing right in front of you, says Sheila Walsh, even when it’s what you need most in the world
Dr Sara Schumacher says the UK Church is experiencing a renaissance of art within its walls
Digging deep into the fabric of creation reveals that we are all part of God’s glorious symphony, says Rob Townley
Caleb Woodbridge discovers a variety of spiritual messages in TV’s longest-running sci-fi show
From Desmond Tutu to Scarlett Johansson, interviewer of the year, Cole Moreton, has met the great and the good. He reveals what the extraordinary encounters have taught him about the divine spark that is present in all of us
From rape to bullying to murder, the Old Testament contains stories that should shock us. Rosie Dawson speaks to leading theologians in order to find out how Christians should understand them
Sharing our faith requires us to answer the questions people are actually asking, not the questions we think they’re asking
Despite the Church’s best efforts, Christian belief continues to decline among younger generations. Could home education form part of the answer?
Evangelists Carl Beech and Steve Legg have been friends for more than 20 years. They have pioneered ministries and travelled the world telling people about Christ. Earlier this year, Carl was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson’s disease, while Steve was told the cancer he’s been battling meant he had just five months to live. They discuss chronic illness and terminal diagnoses, their different attitudes to healing and facing the future – whatever it holds – with joy
Letting go of past hurts can be one of the hardest decisions you ever make. But it’s always worth it, says Claire Musters
Justin Brierley explores the surprising rebirth of belief in God
Walt Disney attributed his success to a daily habit of prayer. But now, as Disney celebrates 100 years of family fun, Christians are divided on the merits of the entertainment giant. Is it still the home of good, clean entertainment or should we be suspicious of its political stances?
Most Christians say the culture around us is becoming more and more hostile to our faith. What should we do in response?
It’s more than just worship styles and bring-and-share suppers, say our panel of experts. Emma Fowle speaks to four leaders about what it takes to create a truly inter-ethnic Christian community
The modern world is a vexing place, and more of us than ever before are struggling to keep a lid on our emotions. Patrick Regan OBE unpicks the tricky issue of responding well when we’re feeling under pressure
Christian carer Tim Byron shares heartwarming stories of how God is at work among those with dementia, and says churches have a vital role to play in showing love towards its senior members
Barbenheimer is a cinematic phenomenon. Jonty Langley has watched both Barbie and Oppenheimer, and reckons they each have something profound to say, both to the Church and to our searching culture
Dr Alastair Roberts delves into the art of reading well and the transformative power it can have on our lives. Unpacking the rewards that come with truly engaging with a book, he presents a compelling argument for why good reading is an act of love and hospitality
The Premier Christianity team (and friends!) pick their favourite books to get you through your holidays
As a high-ranking US government official claims there is hard evidence which proves we are not alone in the universe, Dr Matthew L Halsted asks, if alien life were discovered, should it undermine your Christian faith?
The controversial Jesus of Nazareth often refuted false teaching. His followers should be prepared to do the same, says Dr Lee Gatiss
As the unique Christian festival celebrates its 50th birthday, Derek Walker looks back at the event’s most memorable moments
As the world’s most successful Bible app turns 15, Chris Goswami chats with YouVersion’s CEO to find out how the technology is changing our discipleship
While Lewis Capaldi’s life gets regularly picked apart in the media, the biblical references in his lyrics are routinely overlooked. Whether or not the pop star has a faith in Christ, the use of Christian imagery in his work demonstrates the enduring power of the greatest story ever told, says Josh Hinton
Many assume that retirement is all about ticking off the bucket list of life’s great experiences. But for Christians, deep joy in our golden years is found elsewhere, says Dr John Wyatt
Historically, missionaries were sent out from Europe into the rest of the world. But as Christianity continues to decline in the West, many Christians from the Global South now see us as the mission field. Rev Dr Israel Olofinjana explains
If we are truly part of a global family of faith, we should be anguished that our brothers and sisters around the world are suffering the impacts of climate breakdown, says Holly Anna Petersen. She shares some of their stories
Christians have long lamented the liberal attitudes brought about by the sexual revolution, but now secular thinkers are starting to agree. Feminist campaigner Louise Perry joins Christian commentator Rod Dreher to discuss whether ancient biblical wisdom holds the answers to modern maladies
When Michael J Tinker’s father was diagnosed with terminal cancer it took their family by surprise. But in the six short weeks between diagnosis and death, they experienced God drawing close like never before
He’s a self-proclaimed misogynist, yet the influence of Andrew Tate – especially on teenage boys – shows no signs of waning. Youthscape’s Rachel Gardner explains how concerned parents, youth leaders and church leaders can be a godly influence on the young people they know
With the rise of advanced technologies, the ways of suppressing religious freedom are increasing exponentially. From facial recognition software to firewalls, Tim Wyatt spotlights the new ways repressive regimes are targeting Christians
The Windrush Generation brought the sounds of the Caribbean into British worship. But the music would have an impact far beyond the walls of the Church, explains Colin Tomlin
As the UK marks the 75th anniversary of Empire Windrush, Mark Sturge unpacks the enormous impact of this generation on the British Church
On average, minority ethnic staff earn less than their white colleagues in the UK. If we are to tackle racial injustice, companies must be transparent about their ethnicity pay gap, says Sarah Edwards
From all-weekend worship to preaching, teaching and fellowship in a field, here’s our pick of the 2023 Christian festivals coming your way
After reports of a fresh outpouring at Asbury University, Emma Fowle speaks to three leaders to discuss what God might be doing
Two thousand years on, why are Jesus’ teachings still so influential in our world today? And why is he appearing in people’s dreams? The answer to that question lies in the evidence for his death and resurrection, says Justin Bass
There’s only one king Christians should put their hope in, and it’s not Charles, says John Stevens
With its pomp and pageantry, the coronation might seem arcane and irrelevant, but it is a ceremony intended to bind king, people and Christ together by means of covenantal promises, says David Campanale
Here’s the lowdown on how the coronation regalia symbolise divine authority
Many people only visit churches on special occasions, such as weddings and funerals. I am worried that the coronation will reinforce the notion that Christianity is not about everyday life, but about pomp and ceremony, about an occasional revival of antiquated traditions, about support for a world in which people ...
Having an evangelist’s heart has made me a monarchist. Some 20 years ago, when I went to see the crown jewels in the Tower of London, I was reduced to tears when I saw the significance given to the cross. That realisation prompted me to examine the coronation ceremony and ...
The founder and former director of the global Christian mission agency, Operation Mobilisation died last night surrounded by his family at his home near London. He was 84. Bishop Joseph D’Souza remembers him
Working out what the Bible says about the end of days is difficult. But that doesn’t mean we should be complacent or disengage from the issue, says Chris Follett. Jesus is the hope of the world, and the world needs him now more than ever
When doctrinal disputes arise it's easy to politely agree to disagree. But Dr Hugh Osgood believes such "kindness" is detrimental to the health of the Church. We need to start listening to one another, he says, because each denomination has something valuable to offer. Let's trust that the unity of the Spirit will undergird us, even in the toughest of conversations
If Jesus miraculously came back to life, it is undisputable evidence for the existence of an all-powerful God, says Grant Bartley. Here’s why he thinks it really did happen
On the 30th anniversary of Stephen Lawrence’s murder, award-winning Christian artist Guvna B asks: how much progress has society and the Church made when it comes to racial justice?
David Smyth shares his experience of growing up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, and considers the role of the Church in sustaining peace
Have you ever seen a dream die? Been so absolutely sure that something was right – that God himself was behind it – only to see it fail? That’s what happened to Martin Saunders, and it took his faith to the edge
A theology of Holy Saturday is for all those who cannot see the way ahead – who suffer, fail or doubt. Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday is where true spiritual growth happens, says Bishop Emma Ineson
It’s no longer just the Church that prophesies the end of the world; scientists, academics and journalists are also warning of existential threat. So how should Christians respond to widespread secular fears of Armageddon?
Jesus Revolution has taken $40m at the box office, making it highest-grossing film released by the studio Lionsgate since 2019. Andrew Whitman traces the history that inspired the movie
Everyone loves the celebration of Easter Sunday, but not so much the long season of preparation that is Lent. But if we try to skip straight to the good part, we miss the spiritual depth that God is looking to grow in us, says Aaron Damiani
Five Christians living with disabilities share how God is using them in powerful ways for mission and ministry
Rev Jill Richardson shares a heartwarming tale of her decades long friendship with Wally
As the world marks 12 months of the war in Ukraine, Professor Nick Megoran discusses the impact of conflict on the Church
This week marks one year since Russia triggered the largest armed conflict in Europe since 1945. As the war continues, Emma Fowle takes a look at the people and places still affected, and how the Church is helping
Are we ready for robot-generated sermons, prayers and worship songs? Chris Goswami investigates
The reggae superstar and populariser of Rastafarianism became a Christian shortly before his death in 1981. Tony Cummings reports
As the brotherly brawl between William and Harry dominates headlines, Carrie Lloyd considers what a Christian response should look like
When Kate Orson became a Christian, her understanding of sex was turned upside down. As she grappled with past trauma and what the Bible says about our most intimate relationships, she found herself deeply challenged
The rise of the religious far right poses a serious threat to democracy around the world, says Martyn Whittock. Will conservative Christians take heed?
On Holocaust Memorial Day, Simon Ponsonby exposes the ‘Christian’ roots of the worst massacre in modern history
As an explosive new report into Ravi Zacharias International Ministries reveals the toxic culture that enabled an abuser to go undetected for years, Megan Cornwell looks at the lessons for the Church
Ruth Malhotra was working as Ravi Zacharias’ spokesperson when abuse allegations were first made against the apologist. The revelations began a journey that would take her from spokesperson to whistleblower to advocate
Ruth Jackson, producer of Premier’s apologetics podcast, ‘Unbelievable?’, shares her opinion
By rekindling our rich tradition of self-denial, Christians in the West will reap an abundant spiritual harvest and learn to cope better with life’s painful losses, says Tony Wilson
What happens in your early years can have profound consequences on the way you connect with God, says Christian therapist Krispin Mayfield. But regardless of whether your childhood was happy or horrendous, we can all experience more of the love of a good Father
Advances in technology mean intelligent machines are likely to play an increasingly important role in our future. But this raises serious ethical, philosophical and spiritual questions, says Dr John Wyatt
RT Kendall explains why your New Year’s resolution should be to drop this common phrase
Catherine Pepinster reports on the varied life and ministry of the late pope, who died this morning
We take a look back at what you've been reading on over the past twelve months.
Premier Christianity has been at the forefront of unpacking all the big stories of 2022 from a distinctly Christian perspective. Here’s a round-up of our favourite long-reads the year
Into the darkness of Galilee a great light came. RT Kendall wonders if we could be on the cusp of our own revival this Christmas
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Ships, partridges and kings you’ve never heard of…William Long delves into the meaning behind some of our most bizarre carols
Christmas provides us with a special opportunity to show love to others, says Jo Swinney, and being hospitality doesn’t have to cost the earth
Many younger people are put off by organised religion. Justin Brierley speaks to two social media influencers, Mikhaila Peterson and Jon McCray, about their conversion stories and how Christians can better reach millennials and Gen Z
When almost a quarter of a million people died in the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, it set Dominican friar-turned journalist, Mark Dowd, on a journey to find out why God didn’t stop the suffering
From Home Alone to The Polar Express, every tale we tell points back to the greatest story ever told
Internationally-renowned photographer Peter Marlow set off on an ambitious project - to document all 42 of England’s Anglican cathedrals at dawn. The result is on tour now
Ahead of Remembrance Sunday, Caroline Pattenden considers the significance of the God-given directive to remember Jesus during Communion
As the BBC turns 100, Paul Kerensa reviews the religious broadcasting record of the world’s most prestigious media organisation
Sharon Hastings was training to be a doctor when she had her first psychotic episode. She describes her remarkable journey through severe mental ill health towards recovery, and how Christians helped – and sometimes hindered – that process
Sharon Hastings has faced severe mental illness. She explains eight things fellow Christians should keep in mind when talking about mental ill health
Following the fallout from the pandemic, psychological illnesses are at record levels. Megan Cornwell visits a church in Bath which is pioneering new ways of binding up the broken hearted
In looking ahead to the men’s World Cup, Jonty Langley wonders how the event has become so controversial. The answer, he discovers, is beer. Sort of
Casting out demons was a normal part of Jesus’ ministry, yet many Christians today are sceptical (or perhaps terrified) of exorcism. In our era of mental health consciousness, is there still a place for deliverance ministry? Emma Fowle investigates
This week the UK celebrated its first Hindu prime minister, but nearly 5,000 miles away in India, Christians are being attacked and killed for their faith.
Ahead of the launch of Season 3 of the largest crowdfunded TV show of all time, our editor was invited to Texas to meet the cast and crew of The Chosen. Here’s what he discovered
Mike Rimmer was a distinguished reporter and interviewer, especially during Christian music’s golden years. On top of interviewing the biggest artists, Rimmer was a passionate advocate for up and coming artists. His equally prolific Cross Rhythms colleague Tony Cummings remembers him
Christian leaders from across the UK share their fond memories of Queen Elizabeth II
Billy Graham said it bordered on blasphemy. Comedian Tim Minchin dubbed it a ‘radical atheist’ production. But 50 years on from its London debut, this classic rock musical endures. Were the protests of yesteryear misguided?
Much has been made of Queen Elizabeth II’s faith, but where did her strong trust in Jesus come from? Catherine Butcher explores the religious influences in the Queen’s life – from childhood to old age – and how they contributed to her becoming our nation’s most effective evangelist
In reflecting on his trip to meet the Queen, Cole Moreton says he was inspired by Queen Elizabeth II's deeply held faith, and her desire to serve both her people and a higher power
As a nation mourns, deeply Christian longings are coming to the surface. Perhaps our country isn’t as secular as we’ve assumed, wonders Bishop Graham Tomlin
Looking back on seven decades of service, Mark Greene says it was the Queen’s steadfast faith in Jesus that made all the difference to her mighty reign
Though she lived an intensely public life, the Queen had a deeply private faith. And through it, she modelled the classic Christian virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. We would do well to follow her example, says George Pitcher
After hearing his Good Friday broadcast for the BBC, the Queen invited Billy Graham to preach at Windsor. His son, Franklin, recounts the friendship between a farm boy and a monarch, based on a shared love of Jesus
Catherine Pepinster looks back on seven decades of royal service underpinned by a steadfast and personal Christian faith
Our Queen’s faith in Jesus Christ was central to her life, says Mark Woods. We should be deeply grateful to God for her life-long service to Christ reflected in her life-long service to her people
Queen Elizabeth II has died aged 96. In paying tribute to Her Majesty, Rt Rev John Pritchard says the prayer of our national anthem was answered
The series editor of Songs of Praise remembers the life and faith of veteran broadcaster Bill Turnbull
As Liz Truss takes up the reins during a period predicted to be beset with crises and complaints, Christians should start as we mean to go on - by praying for our leaders - says Christians in Politics’ Andy Flannagan