All Family & Relationships articles – Page 6
Real Life
‘My wife had a psychotic episode, then I was diagnosed with incurable cancer. Here are 16 lessons we're learning in God's classroom'
Serious illness has brought my wife and I closer to one another, and closer to God, says Alan Palmer, as he lists 16 spiritual lessons he's learned in the midst of crippling treatment for blood cancer
Don’t remove your children from school if they encounter trans pupils. It’s an opportunity to talk about difference
Equalities specialist Savitri Hensman says this Christian couple missed an opportunity to prepare their children to live in a sometimes confusing world
Thank God for this Christian couple who forced the government to review its transgender policies
The result of Nigel and Sally Rowe’s five-year legal battle on transgender ideology in schools is a win for all children, says Caroline Farrow
'A simple invitation to a brilliant Christian camp changed my life'
A simple invitation radically altered the course of Tony Uddin’s life
Real Life
TikTok is helping us reach millions with the gospel
Just months after posting their first video, John and Jade Reynolds Christian content is reaching millions. John explains how you can use this social media platform for the Kingdom
The CLC’s involvement in the Archie Battersbee case gave Christians a bad name
The way the Christian Legal Centre handled the tragic case of Archie Battersbee was an insult to palliative care and end-of-life professionals, argues George Pitcher
Real Life
‘I was scarred by my abortions, but God healed me’
Rachel MacKenzie explains how she encountered God’s love and compassion
Regular Columnists
Why children’s ministry needs a creative revolution
Wonderfully told Bible stories laid the foundation for Chine McDonald’s decision to become a Christian. She says the Church needs to find innovative ways to engage the next generation in the richness of our faith
Real Life
No one expects a priest to be a victim of domestic abuse, but it happened to me
Abuse can happen to anyone, even those in church leadership. When Esther* finally reached a point of crisis, she found a listening ear and practical help from Clergy Support Trust
Trans toddlers…have we lost all sense of reality?
Children as young as two can recognise their trans identity. That’s according to LGBT charity Stonewall. James Kennedy believes that abandoning traditional Christian values is leading us to a moral vacuum
Why is Generation Z leaving the Church?
Gen Z is made up of people aged 10-25. The vast majority of 'Zoomers' say they have 'no religion'. Brian Mountford has been researching why they typically reject Christian faith. Here's what he's discovered
Northern Ireland says Christian-focused RE is unlawful. Even the Church agrees reform is needed
The requirement for schools in Northern Ireland to provide Christian religious education at the exclusion of other faiths breaches human rights legislation, the High Court has ruled. Dr Andrew Brown says the Church may welcome the decision
Magazine Features
How to raise anti-racist children and grandchildren
It’s not good enough to be merely ‘not racist’, Christians must teach their children and grandchildren to be ‘anti-racist’, says Loretta Andrews. She unpacks the distinction and provides practical tips for acting justly when it comes to raising the next generation
Jendella Benson: ‘When I was charged with money laundering I thought God would deliver me’
In this exclusive interview, the British-Nigerian novelist opens up about the unexpected conviction for money laundering which radically changed her theology and how the love and support of her church family helped keep her faith alive while her husband was in prison
Magazine Features
'Simultaneously joyous and exhausting' 5 Christians share their stories of adoption
This year in the UK, around 35,000 children and young people will enter the care system. That’s 95 children every single day. Claire Musters speaks to five different families who have opened their homes and hearts to foster or adopt some of them
Does allowing same-sex marriage result in church decline? Here's what the numbers show
There are no growing church denominations in the UK that don’t hold a traditional view on sexuality and marriage, according to a new report. But is it that simple? Dr Ian Paul investigates
Real Life
‘Archie’s faith inspired mine, I won’t give up fighting for his life’
After a tragic accident left him in a coma, Hollie Dance is convinced her son just needs more time to heal and is adamant that she’ll fight to her last breath to give it to him. She reveals how his wish to be baptised was fulfilled in hospital and how their faith is sustaining them through this tragedy
The schools bill: This state power grab threatens home education and should be resisted by all Christians
The freedom of parents to choose how their children are educated is under threat, says Ruth Barber
Two Daughters: Faith and forgiveness in the face of unimaginable horror
New BBC documentary Two Daughters follows Mina Smallman, an Anglican Priest whose daughters were stabbed to death in a London park. How did she find the strength to forgive?
Regular Columnists
How (not) to speak the truth in love
Source: Flix Gillett There’s a sentence that sounds to my ears like the removal of a pin from a grenade, sending me scrambling for cover and bracing for a doctrinal explosion: “I just have to speak the truth in love.” This weaponised paraphrase of Ephesians 4:15 is ...