All articles by David Instone-Brewer – Page 4

  • Boaz
    Archive content

    Bible Stories Uncensored: Ruth the Maneater


    When are feet not feet? When they are used euphemistically to spare blushes, as David Instone-Brewer discovers in the story of Ruth and Boaz.

  • Archive content

    Bible Stories Uncensored: Sex tips from Solomon


    Breasts, kisses and hair like a flock of goats…David Instone-Brewer on Old Testament turn-ons.

  • Political Manipulation
    Archive content

    Bible Stories Uncensored: Nehemiah: Political Manipulator


    David Instone-Brewer investigates the underhand tactics of this biblical hero. If we’re honest, we’d probably all admit that we’ve lied, cheated and bullied on occasion – perhaps we told ourselves it was ‘necessary’. I must admit that’s how I once got a gold star for maths homework.

  • Baptism
    Archive content

    Divisive Bible Doctrines: Bridging troubled waters


    Rather than arguing over the ‘how’ or the ‘when’ of baptism, David Instone-Brewer explains that the real division is over what it actually does.

  • Samson
    Archive content

    Bible Stories Uncensored: Samson the Thug (and Pimp)


    Should we tell children about the murkier acts of Samson, such as using prostitutes and pimping out his wife? On a family holiday some years ago, we found ourselves driving through a very rough part of a town and I started to dread what my daughters might be seeing.

  • Warrior King David

    Bible Stories Uncensored: David the Tyrant


    We often think of David as the plucky young boy who defeated Goliath. In reality, he was a nation-builder as well as a mass murderer who ignored the rape of his own daughter.

  • Esther
    Archive content

    Bible Stories Uncensored: Esther: the best in bed


    Esther might have saved the Jews through her nocturnal activity, but, writes David Instone-Brewer, she didn’t manage to save a traditional family structure which celebrated women.

  • The Bible
    Archive content

    5 Tough Questions about the Bible


    Our resident Bible scholar responds to some typical questions about the Old Testament that The Bible series is likely to raise for non-believers (and probably plenty of Christians too, if we’re honest).

  • Archive content

    Not lost in translation


    How does a modern Bible translation like the NIV come about? Baptist minister David Instone-Brewer got a unique opportunity to find out when he was invited to join with a committee of translators.

  • Archive content

    Joshua 10


    Did God really make the sun stand still? David Instone-Brewer tackles Joshua chapter 10...

  • Archive content

    Blood and Sacrifices


    Why is the Old Testament apparently running with blood? David Instone-Brewer examines the importance and the symbolism.

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    Sabbath - rest or recreation?


    The principle of a ‘weekend’ is an entirely biblical one, says David Instone-Brewer. How will you use yours?

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    Undemocratic Rule


    What is the best system of government? David Instone-Brewer explores the ideal of democracy, and why God didn’t instigate it for Israel.

  • Archive content

    The Death Penalties


    Advocating the death penalty in the Old Testament seems barbaric. However, David Instone-Brewer argues that scripture actually has a high value for human life.

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    Concubines and Prostitutes


    David Instone-Brewer examines the effects on women of some controversial Old Testament practices and unearths surprising parallels with today.

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    Child Sacrifice


    Human sacrifice was once so common as to be considered normal. Did Abraham’s God endorse it? David Instone-Brewer explores the unacceptable.

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    Old Testament warfare


    Did Joshua commit genocide?  Necessary rules of engagement or unnecessary slaughter? David Instone-Brewer on Old Testament warfare.

  • Archive content

    Paul's Letters


    Some scholars claim that as many as half of Paul’s letters weren’t actually written by him. Are they fakes, or did he just have a secretary?

  • Archive content

    Mark 1


    When the early Gospel manuscripts were being rapidly reproduced, mistakes were made. But did they change the message? David Instone-Brewer looks at omissions and additions in Mark 1.

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    Genesis 19


    Did God really send natural disasters to punish people? David Instone-Brewer tackles the story of Sodom in Genesis 19...