All articles by David Instone-Brewer
Regular Columnists
Why the Bible is sometimes obscure
When we divide over the irrelevant, we forget the most important message of all, says David Instone-Brewer
Regular Columnists
Palestinian brothers
Palestinians are not Arabs by descent. Could their true identity provide a path towards peace in the Middle East today?
Regular Columnists
Jailbreak: A new way of illustrating the good news
Sin has imprisoned us in a fallen world, says David Instone-Brewer. But one day, Jesus will return to set the captives free
Regular Columnists
What would Jesus vote?
Was Jesus a communist or capitalist? David Instone-Brewer explores what the Bible tells us about how to vote
Regular Columnists
Did God give the land of Israel to the Jews?
God makes promises to both Jews and Arabs when it comes to land in the Middle East, observes David Instone Brewer
Regular Columnists
Warrior women: What does the Bible say?
David Instone-Brewer explores what scripture teaches about women in wartime
Regular Columnists
Who did Cain marry?
The identity of Cain’s wife has long troubled Christians. David Instone-Brewer proposes a new way of thinking about the problem
Regular Columnists
More than just friends - early Church community was radical
Being part of a community of believers wasn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’ for the first Christians. Fellowship was vital for a family’s wellbeing, explains David Instone-Brewer
Regular Columnists
Is the Prince of Persia causing chaos in Gaza?
Christians around the world are praying fervently for peace in the Middle East, yet the fighting continues. Are our prayers being hindered? A peculiar story from the Old Testament may help us understand what’s going on, says David Instone-Brewer
Regular Columnists
What does it mean to "live by the Spirit"? These scientific insights might help
Neuroscience might provide some unexpected answers to two complex theological questions, says David Instone-Brewer
Regular Columnists
Valuable trash: Why the first Christians were known as the scum of the earth
Throughout Christian history, those at the bottom of society have been most receptive to the good news, explains David Instone-Brewer
Regular Columnists
Communion then and now
Traditions may have changed over the centuries, but wherever and whenever we eat the bread and drink the wine, we share fellowship together as one family – and with Jesus – says David Instone-Brewer
Regular Columnists
Jesus hasn't returned yet. Why not?
In the first century, something or someone stopped Jesus’ second coming. David Instone-Brewer explores what happened and asks: What is it that is holding him back today?
Regular Columnists
Did Paul condemn all homosexuality?
David Instone-Brewer wrestles with the key biblical texts that appear to condemn gay sex
Regular Columnists
Why doesn’t life make sense?
Looking for answers? Draw near to the one who gives life it’s meaning, suggests David Instone-Brewer, as he takes a closer look at the book of Ecclesiastes
This film claims the word ‘homosexuals’ shouldn’t be in our Bibles. Did translators get it wrong?
Most churches in the world today preach that homosexuality is a sin, citing biblical references to support their case. But what if the word “homosexual” was added to the Bible by mistake? That’s the claim of a new documentary film, 1946. Premier Christianity’s resident Bible scholar, David Instone Brewer, went to see it
‘Twerk & Snake Eyes’: Did you know these disciples changed their names to avoid embarassment?
In exploring why God changed the name of key biblical characters, David Instone-Brewer wonders whether it might be time for modern Christians to drop the ‘Evangelical’ label
Regular Columnists
If the Bible proclaims equality, why did it take the Church so long to start preaching it?
Is it true that God has no favourites? David Instone-Brewer investigates
Regular Columnists
Solving the problem of holiness
David Instone-Brewer explains how the removal of sin enables us to survive God’s presence
Archive content
Did God punish Jesus on the cross?
The doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement has divided Christians in recent years. David Instone-Brewer takes a fresh look at what the Bible says