Thank God for grace, says Gemma Hunt. Let’s cut ourselves – and each other – a bit of slack this year
Did you make a new year’s resolution? If you did, how are you getting on? Has it become habitual yet or has it already fallen away? If you didn’t, are you feeling smug at seeing others fail, or are you in awe of those who have made a change?
I do and I don’t like new year’s resolutions. I appreciate being forced to focus on something I hope to achieve, or a habit I know will benefit me, but I do not enjoy the pressure of doing something that is potentially unachievable or requires hard work. I’m not workshy, but I realise that I’m a bit all-or-nothing – and when I fall short of my own (sometimes unrealistic) expectations, I tend to throw in the towel.
Sometimes I appear to have everything together, but have made myself so busy, preoccupied and tired that I can’t do or finish anything well. So last year, my husband and I had a year of ‘finishing’: Finishing projects. Finishing decorating. Finishing books. Finishing freezer food. Finishing emptying cupboards. We did pretty well, but there are still a few things to finish off – there always will be.
I hope that if I believe the best of other people’s intentions and actions, they will also believe the best of mine
At the start of 2025, I joked about forgoing new year’s resolutions altogether: “It’s too cold, too uninspiring and there are too many Christmas treats to finish, so let’s start a new year’s resolution after Easter!” In all seriousness, my husband and I then discussed what we actually felt the Lord was calling us to focus on this year. Our answer was to “go slow”. The first few weeks of this year had been pretty hectic, and we didn’t want that to be the foundation on which the rest of 2025 was built.
For us, this looks like not rushing to do too many things in one day. Intentionally taking time to rest. Purposefully making time for each other (weekly date nights have been reinstated and I’m excited. It’s not happened since the first lockdown!). Giving undivided attention and spending personal time in the company of our heavenly Father.
We also want to “believe the best” of others this year. Matthew 7:2 reminds us that: “In the same way you judge others, you will be judged”, and I hope that if I am able to believe the best of other people’s intentions, actions and motivations, they will also believe the best of me and mine.
I get things wrong, disappoint people and unintentionally offend all the time but, like the tax collector in Luke 18, I know that I am a sinner. I am doing my best, so please Lord, friends and family, have mercy on me. I’ll believe the best in you if you believe the best in me. I’m going to take this slowly (see new year’s resolution number one) and see how I’m doing at Easter. And maybe again in July.
Perhaps it should be renamed a ‘new month’s resolution’? That’s feels like a smaller mountain to conquer.

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