All Apologetics articles – Page 4
Peter Hitchens: 'When I was an atheist I was even more selfish than I am now'
The controversial commentator speaks to Tim Farron about his journey from atheism to Christianity, and why Christian politicians should expect to be reviled by their colleagues
The air we breathe - Glen Scrivener
“Why do the nations rage?” muses the writer of Psalm 2. The answer, he explains, is that they do so to free themselves from the restraints of God’s moral law. However, as the psalmist, and the rest of the Bible, points out, when you do to that, ...
Why I walked away from Christianity – and why my dad stayed
A father and son share their respective reasons for staying and leaving the faith
Could Jesus have been married?
The Bible doesn’t answer the question. But it does give us some clues, says Lee Wilson
Why the 'science vs religion' debate is changing for good
Belief in old tropes about science and religion is changing for good, says this new research
Regular Columnists
Why Jesus' resurrection really happened
Tom Wright explains why, as an ancient historian, he resurrection of Jesus from death makes historical sense.
Could Jesus have survived crucifixion?
Some people deny the resurrection of Jesus, instead claiming that he never died in the first place. Allan Chapman describes, in gory detail, the eight reasons why this is based on a misunderstanding of the crucifixion process
How good do I need to be to get to heaven?
84 per cent of Britons say that you need to be a 'good person’ in order to reach heaven. But how good do we need to be? Kristi Mair shares her perspective
How did a gifted Christian minister become an atheist? I met him to find out
Seth Walker went from the heights of evangelical passion and unquestioning trust in God to total loss of faith and attempted suicide. Chris Goswami says there are lessons from Seth's life that the Church needs to learn
Is this biblical ‘curse tablet’ the most significant discovery in recent history?
A newly discovered Hebrew tablet containing an early use of the holy name of God, Yahweh, has prompted excitement around the world
Against The Tide: Watch John Lennox provide evidence for God in the age of science
This is a well-polished and engaging documentary that bucks the trend when it comes to Christian filmmaking, says Justin Brierley
Doubt is becoming trendy. Even among Christians
It is time to stand firm in the truth, says Chris Schorah, as he encourages Christians to eschew doubt and deconstruction
Magazine Features
How to reach your agnostic friends
The angry atheism once popularised by Richard Dawkins is now widely considered to be just as dogmatic as fundamentalist religion. But with growing numbers of people preferring a gentler, more agnostic approach to faith, Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmell explore how we can best reach the fence sitters
Magazine Features
Atheism is trying to undermine these 7 biblical concepts. But it will fail
In re-defining Christian concepts of morality, the soul, free will and more, atheism is leaving our society hollow and directionless. By contrast, it is belief in the God of scripture which upholds and strengthens our understanding of meaning, truth and freedom, argues Alistair McKitterick
This documentary contains evidence for healing miracles. So we asked an agnostic to watch it
Does God heal today? We asked a former Christian to watch a new film which examines the evidence. Here's what he made of it
The untold story of C.S Lewis’ conversion to Christianity is a must-watch
The new C.S. Lewis biopic is in selected cinemas now
Evangelistic courses have their place. But nothing beats relationship
During lockdown, with church programmes on pause and people confined to their homes, many Christians found new opportunities to build relationships with those around them. Maybe it’s the start of a new era of friendship evangelism, says Carl Knightly
Real Life
Jordan Peterson’s daughter say she’s ‘found God’. Let’s keep praying for her
The 29 year old daughter of controversial psychologist Jordan Peterson is reading the Bible, praying and experiencing a peace she’s never felt before.
Magazine Features
What will we look like in heaven?
Have you ever wondered, ‘What will I look like in heaven?’ The issue of the afterlife is a complicated one, but we can be sure of what the Bible tells us about certain aspects of heaven, says evangelist and author J.John