By Joy Tibbs2014-11-12T00:00:00
The embattled pastor has resigned from the church he founded following accusations of bullying and mismanagement. After a steep decline in attendance, Mars Hill church is also disbanding.
2025-03-14T15:06:00Z By Motti Inbari and Kirill Bumin
Last month, a report claimed one third of British Christians had endorsed anti-semitic tropes. After looking at the available data, our editor suggested the problem may be confined to more nominal believers. In this response, researchers Motti Inabari and Kirill Bumin unveil more aspects of their work, which they say paints a more worrying picture
2025-03-12T15:38:00Z By Tim Farron MP
Five years on from the start of the Covid pandemic, Tim Farron MP celebrates how the Church stepped up to serve when it mattered the most. The hope of the gospel continues to light the darkness, he says
2025-03-12T13:56:00Z By Dr David Landrum
Western societies are drifting further from their Christian roots. It can no longer be ‘business as usual’ for the Church, says Dr David Landrum. He’s urging Christians to be braver, more counter-cultural, witnesses for Jesus
2025-02-28T09:59:00Z By Sam Hailes
A Chosen People Ministries survey has claimed one third of British Christians endorse antisemitic tropes such as “The Jews talk too much about the Holocaust”. Sam Hailes looks at the research
2025-02-26T10:05:00Z By Heather Tomlinson
Heather Tomlinson investigates disturbing reports from the New Forest
2025-02-21T16:21:00Z By Tim Wyatt
After a tumultuous power struggle that led to the ousting of the charity’s founder, Patrick Sookhdeo, the Charity Commission launched an investigation and took control of how much Barnabas Aid can spend. Now, two individuals have been arrested in connection with a fraud inquiry. Tim Wyatt delves into the chaos engulfing one of the UK’s most prominent Christian charities
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