Halloween is the season where the world examines deeply spiritual topics. Phil Wyman was so concerned that Christians were missing out on opportunities to share their faith that he moved to Salem, Massachusetts - the home of the 1692 witch trials. Here, he explains why Christians have nothing to fear from Halloween
2024-10-28T10:00:00Z By Sam Hailes
Real life ghostbuster Chris DeFlorio says the Church needs to “wake up” to the realities of spiritual warfare this Halloween
2024-10-28T09:39:00Z By Martin Saunders
Millions of young people are diving headfirst into exploring witchcraft, and their main portal is the social media app TikTok. Martin Saunders looks at what’s going on, and suggests how Christians can address this dangerous trend
2024-04-02T12:22:00Z By Kate Orson
The world’s biggest pop star has dressed as a witch on stage and encouraged her fans to cast spells, says Kate Orson. Should Christians be concerned about her influence?
2025-03-13T17:20:00Z By Symon Hill
Symon Hill has been compensated £2,500 by police after he was arrested for voicing the opinion there is no king but Jesus. Free speech is under attack from both policy and culture, says Hill, and it’s time for Christians to push back
2025-03-12T15:38:00Z By Tim Farron MP
Five years on from the start of the Covid pandemic, Tim Farron MP celebrates how the Church stepped up to serve when it mattered the most. The hope of the gospel continues to light the darkness, he says
2025-03-12T13:56:00Z By Dr David Landrum
Western societies are drifting further from their Christian roots. It can no longer be ‘business as usual’ for the Church, says Dr David Landrum. He’s urging Christians to be braver, more counter-cultural, witnesses for Jesus
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