By Rich Martin2021-03-24T12:29:00
Rich Martin articulates some of the ‘new things’ he believes the Church will move into once we are fully out of lockdown.
2021-06-22T08:30:00Z By Martin Erwin
In the rush to get back to in-person gatherings, let’s not forget the opportunities that have come from online church, says Martin Erwin
2025-03-14T15:06:00Z By Motti Inbari and Kirill Bumin
Last month, a report claimed one third of British Christians had endorsed anti-semitic tropes. After looking at the available data, our editor suggested the problem may be confined to more nominal believers. In this response, researchers Motti Inabari and Kirill Bumin unveil more aspects of their work, which they say paints a more worrying picture
2025-03-12T15:38:00Z By Tim Farron MP
Five years on from the start of the Covid pandemic, Tim Farron MP celebrates how the Church stepped up to serve when it mattered the most. The hope of the gospel continues to light the darkness, he says
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