By Sam Hailes2016-03-02T00:00:00
Pete Saunders and Peter D. Williams talk to Sam Hailes about whether the Catholic Church has changed
2025-03-31T11:47:00Z By Sam Hailes
Joe Rigney has authored a much-discussed new book entitled The Sin of Empathy. He defends his thesis to Sam Hailes
2025-03-28T16:35:00Z By George Pitcher
Free speech protects great minds discussing ideas, not small minds abusing people, says George Pitcher, as he looks at the recent cases of Laurence Fox and Kathleen Stock
2025-03-28T14:28:00Z By Isaac Villegas
When the US authorities tried to deport Rosa del Carmen, she found refuge inside a church building - living there for two years. Isaac Villegas’ decision to provide sanctuary for an undocumented immigrant may have been politically controversial, but he believes it was line with historic Christian beliefs
2025-03-21T17:14:00Z By AJ Gomez
As thousands of teenagers gathered for the UK’s largest Catholic youth event, AJ Gomez was there to report on the hopeful message being given to the next generation
2025-02-28T09:59:00Z By Sam Hailes
A Chosen People Ministries survey has claimed one third of British Christians endorse antisemitic tropes such as “The Jews talk too much about the Holocaust”. Sam Hailes looks at the research
2025-02-26T10:05:00Z By Heather Tomlinson
Heather Tomlinson investigates disturbing reports from the New Forest
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